Tag Archives: Gil Scott-Heron

Friday finds

Paying last respects to Gil Scott-Heron. And again. And again. And again. A list of his essential recordings.

A great day at Harper’s Ferry.

Jump cut or match cut? All I know is, it’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in a movie.

Call me a geek, call me a nerd, but I really am looking forward to seeing these.

“I imagined taking a knife and cutting into the earth, opening it up, an initial violence and pain that in time would heal. The grass would grow back, but the initial cut would remain a pure flat surface in the earth with a polished, mirrored surface, much like the surface on a geode when you cut it  and polish the edge. The need for the names to be on the memorial would become the memorial; there was no need to embellish the design further. The people and their names would allow everyone to respond and remember.”

Paul Theroux and VS Naipaul are buds again. Here is video proof. Take the Naipaul-inspired authorial gender test.

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Gil Scott-Heron

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