Friday finds

There’s more than one way to play the guitar, as Botswanan player Ronnie shows. Michael Nelson ponders a few more example.

Having killed off God at the end of the His Dark Materials cycle, Philip Pullman now offers his own take on the life of Jesus — and just in time for Easter, too.

Using The Wire as a teaching tool.

Join James Bridle on a walking tour of the bookshops of Mexico City.

A thorough, well-illustrated analysis of the visual style of William Cameron Menzies.

Now it can be told: How the screenplay for Battlefield Earth came into being.

“There can be as many Ballardian worlds as readers, and thus many Ballards. (For whom what is the collective noun: A flight? A fugue? An empty pool of Ballards?) Each of those Ballards is real enough to someone, thrown up by a reader who experiences the world through the fiction. Even the word “Ballardian” is now commonplace, enshrined not only in the url of an extensive website of speculative cultural investigation but also the entirely mainstream and eminently respectable Collins English Dictionary. But this profusion of Ballards cannot deter one from passing judgment among them: these Ballards must be compared, and some found more Ballardian than others.”

The entire back catalogue of Broadside magazine is available online.

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